How To Build Your Own Website

Dive into our comprehensive DIY website building guide, covering everything from the benefits of creating your own site, through strategy and builder options, to launch and maintenance. Start your digital journey today!

How To Build Your Own Website


Welcome to your comprehensive guide on DIY website building. If you're reading this, you're likely curious or even excited about the prospect of creating your own digital space. Whether you're dreaming of an e-commerce hub, a vibrant blog, a professional portfolio, or perhaps something entirely unique, this guide is designed to help you turn that dream into reality.

Building a website might seem daunting at first. You might be thinking, "I'm not a tech whiz, can I really do this?" The good news is that, yes, you absolutely can. The world of website building has transformed dramatically in recent years. Today, it's become far more accessible for individuals like you and me, regardless of technical know-how.

In this guide, we're going to take you on a step-by-step journey. We'll start by discussing the numerous benefits of taking on the challenge of creating your own website. It's not just about cost-saving, as significant as that can be. It's also about having creative control and the sense of accomplishment that comes with crafting your own corner of the internet.

We'll then guide you through the importance of having a clear strategy before you start building. Just as you wouldn't build a house without a blueprint, you wouldn't want to build a website without a plan. This will involve determining your website's purpose and identifying your target audience.

Next, we'll introduce you to the various types of websites you could build. Each comes with its unique features, and understanding them will help you refine your website strategy. Then we'll walk you through the various website builder options available to you, including an explanation of what Content Management System (CMS) sites are and how they can benefit you.

Once you're comfortable with these concepts, we'll delve into more technical areas like DNS Hosting and Cloudflare, explaining what they are, why they are essential, and how to set them up for your site.

Finally, we'll guide you on how to launch your website, including a checklist of final things to consider before you go live. And since a website isn't a set-and-forget project, we'll discuss the importance of regular website maintenance and provide tips on keeping your site in optimal shape post-launch.

Remember, every great website started with a single step. By the end of this guide, you'll be well-prepared to take that step and the steps that follow. Welcome to the start of your website building journey. Let's dive in!

Benefits of Building Your Own Site

The idea of building your own website can feel like a daunting task. Yet, it's one that comes with a host of benefits that can make it an exciting and rewarding project to undertake. Let's unpack these benefits to help you see the value and opportunities that await you in this digital endeavour.

We don't all have hundreds of $$$ to spend paying a web design and development team to build our website for us.

It's Cost-Effective

One of the most immediate benefits of building your own website is the potential for significant cost savings. Hiring a professional web designer or a web development agency can be expensive, sometimes running into thousands of pounds depending on the complexity of the site.

When you choose to do it yourself, the only costs you'll incur are the much more affordable fees associated with website builders, domain registration, and web hosting. Most website builders offer a range of price plans, including free options, so you can choose one that fits your budget.

You Have Creative Control

When you build your own website, you're the architect. Every choice, from the overall aesthetic to the minute details, is yours to make. Want to change the colour scheme or the layout? Go ahead. Need to add a new page or feature? You're in charge. This level of creative control means that your website will truly reflect your vision and personality.

You can learn a lot of great skills that will help you build your website via LinkedIn's Learning platform. And you get 1 month's access for free!

You'll Learn New Skills

The process of building a website involves learning a range of new skills. You'll learn about website design principles, search engine optimisation (SEO), content creation, digital marketing, and much more. These are valuable skills that are highly sought after in today's digital world, and you can use them in many different personal and professional contexts.

It Gives You Flexibility and Adaptability

When you're the one in charge of your website, you have the flexibility to adapt and change it as needed. This is especially important in the fast-paced digital world, where trends and user expectations can change quickly. Need to update your content, tweak your design, or add new functionalities? When you've built your site yourself, you can do all of this without having to rely on a third party.

Sense of Achievement

Last, but certainly not least, building your own website brings with it a tremendous sense of achievement. From that initial idea to the moment you press 'launch', you'll have embarked on a journey of learning and creativity that results in a tangible, functional product. There's something truly satisfying about being able to say, "I built that."

In summary, building your own website can save you money, offer you complete creative control, and provide a platform for learning new skills. It's a flexible solution that's adaptable to your needs, and there's no beating the sense of achievement that comes from creating something of your own from scratch. As you continue through this guide, keep these benefits in mind to motivate and inspire you on your DIY website building journey.

Website Strategy

Before delving into the how-to of building your website, it's crucial to take a step back and think about the why and who. This is where your website strategy comes in. Having a clear and well-thought-out strategy for your website is like having a road map for your journey, ensuring you stay on track and reach your desired destination. Let's look at the key components of a robust website strategy.

Here's a breakdown of our website's design in Figma, before we had even touched any code or web development. We started off by defining our overall strategy and what we wanted our website to convey, and who we wanted it to speak to.

Defining Your Website's Purpose

Every successful website starts with a clear purpose. This is the 'why' of your website. Ask yourself, what do I want to achieve with my site? Is it to share your thoughts or expertise on a particular topic (a blog), showcase your work (a portfolio site), or perhaps sell products or services (an e-commerce site)? This is the fundamental question that will guide every other decision you make about your website.

It can be helpful to write down your website's purpose in a clear, concise statement. This serves as a mission statement for your website, reminding you of your focus and helping you stay on track as you build and evolve your site.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Next, think about who your website is for – your target audience. Who are the people that you want to visit your site, and what are their characteristics, interests, and needs? Knowing your target audience well will guide you in creating a website that resonates with them and meets their needs.

Consider factors such as their age, gender, occupation, hobbies, and any other demographic or psychographic factors that might influence the kind of content, design, and functionality they would prefer. For instance, if your target audience is millennials, you might want to have a sleek, modern design with a focus on mobile usability. If it's seniors, on the other hand, a simple, easy-to-navigate design with larger fonts might be more suitable.

Defining Your Content

Content is king in the digital world, so it's vital to define what kind of content you'll be providing on your website. The nature of your content will largely depend on your website's purpose and your target audience.

If you're creating a blog, for example, your content will be your blog posts, and you'll need to decide what topics you'll write about. If it's an e-commerce site, your content will include product descriptions, images, customer reviews, and so on.

Also, think about how you can create content that is unique, valuable, and engaging to your target audience. This will not only attract visitors to your site but also keep them coming back for more.

In conclusion, formulating a clear strategy for your website is a crucial first step in your website building journey. By defining your website's purpose, identifying your target audience, and planning your content, you'll have a solid foundation upon which to build a successful site. Remember, a website without a strategy is like a journey without a destination. So, take the time to strategise, and you'll be well on your way to creating a website that achieves its purpose and resonates with its intended audience.

Types of Websites

With your website strategy in hand, the next step is to explore the different types of websites that you could create. By understanding the range of possibilities, you can make an informed decision about what type of site will best serve your purpose and target audience. Let's explore some of the most common types of websites that exist.

Personal Websites

Personal websites are just that - personal. They could serve as a digital resume, a portfolio to showcase your work, a blog to share your thoughts or experiences, or a combination of these. They are typically owned by individuals and reflect their personality and interests.

Business Websites

These are owned by businesses and serve to promote their products or services. A business website is essential in the digital age as it provides a platform for businesses to reach and engage with their customers. It usually includes information about the business, its products or services, and contact details.

Business websites often tell you about the business and their service offerings, and provide you with a way to contact them.

E-commerce Websites

An e-commerce website allows for buying and selling of products or services online. It includes features like product listings, a shopping cart, and a secure payment gateway. If you're planning to sell something online, be it physical products, digital products, or services, this is the type of site for you.

Ecommerce websites display products and have a checkout area dedicated to secure payments.


Blogs are websites that are updated regularly with new content, or 'blog posts'. These posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts appearing first. Blogs can be personal or business-related, and they can cover any topic under the sun. They provide a platform for sharing thoughts, ideas, and expertise, and they often invite interaction through comments.

Educational Websites

Educational websites are those that provide information, resources, and materials that will educate and provide knowledge about a specific topic. This could include online courses, learning resources, educational tools, or information about educational institutions.

Non-profit Websites

These are owned by non-profit organisations. They typically provide information about the organisation's cause, projects, and provide ways for people to get involved or make donations.

Community Websites

Community websites serve to bring together people who share a common interest or goal. They often include forums or other interactive features that allow users to communicate and interact with each other.

Community websites are often a place to host information about the community, often for the community, including updates, events, news etc.

Portal Websites

Portal websites provide a single access point for various types of information. They can be personalised to each user's needs. Common examples include search engines, email services, online banking, or intranet portals for businesses.

In conclusion, there's a vast array of website types that cater to different needs and purposes. You might find that you need to combine two or three of these types into your website to reach your goal. Your task is to decide which type best aligns with your website's purpose and the needs of your target audience. Remember, the most successful websites are those that meet a clear need or serve a specific purpose for their intended users. Use your understanding of these website types to help guide your decision and shape your unique digital presence.

Different Website Builder Options

With a clear vision of your website's purpose, target audience, and the type of site you want to create, it's now time to dive into the practical aspect of building your website. Thankfully, there are numerous website builders available today that make this task much simpler than you might imagine. These website builders are tools that allow you to create a website without needing to code it from scratch. Let's explore some of the most popular ones and what they offer.


WordPress is one of the most popular website builders in the world. It is known for its flexibility and vast array of features. It offers two platforms:, which is a hosted platform suitable for beginners, and, which is a self-hosted platform offering more flexibility and control, suitable for more advanced users. WordPress supports a wide range of website types, from blogs and business sites to e-commerce stores and beyond. Create any kind of custom site with WordPress's editing tools, flexible design tools, and powerful features to manage it all.

Here's a photo of the WordPress interface where you can see all the plugins you could add to your website.


Wix is a user-friendly website builder known for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. It offers a wide variety of professionally designed templates and also allows you to start building a website from scratch. Wix is suitable for a range of websites, including personal, business, and e-commerce sites.


Squarespace is renowned for its stunning, designer-quality templates and its emphasis on visual presentation. It provides a range of features and is particularly popular for portfolios, personal websites, and small business websites. Squarespace's interface is user-friendly, although slightly more complex than some other builders. However, it doesn't require any coding knowledge, you can work mostly on the design and front-end, and Squarespace will worry about the code.

Squarespace is a great website tool that includes beautifully designed templates for you to customise, and can intergrate ecommerce into your site quite easily.


Weebly is another drag-and-drop website builder that is very beginner-friendly. It offers a range of features and templates, and it includes e-commerce capabilities, making it a good option for online stores. Get access to customizable webpage designs and useful tools to build your website and grow your business.


If you're looking to set up an e-commerce website, Shopify is a fantastic choice. It's a comprehensive e-commerce platform that allows you to set up an online store to sell your products. It includes a range of features tailored for e-commerce, such as shopping carts and payment gateways. It also includes easy to customise themes and templates. And because it's so widely used around the world, it is also a trusted e-commerce provider, that can handle payments, secure checkout and ensure safe shipping.

Our collaborators, Reset Collective, have their website on Shopify, with their workout packages listed and very easily available for purchase.

In conclusion, each website builder has its strengths and is suited to different types of websites and user needs. When choosing a website builder, consider your technical proficiency, the type of website you're creating, and the features you need. Also consider your budget. Some of these web builders are more expensive to host than others. However, most of these website builders do offer free trials or free plans, so take the time to try a few out before making your decision. Building a website is a significant project, so you want to make sure you choose a builder that you're comfortable with and that can effectively bring your website vision to life.

Website Design and Best Practices

After understanding the types of websites and before diving into website builders, it's crucial to know a little more about website design. This knowledge will guide you in what to include on your pages and help you follow best practices. Let's look at this topic in detail.

Importance of Good Website Design

Your website design is your first impression to the online world, and you want to make it a good one. It not only makes your site aesthetically pleasing but also directly impacts how easily users can navigate and find what they're looking for. A well-designed website is intuitive, accessible, and optimised for both mobile and desktop viewing.

What to Include on a Page

Every page on your website should serve a specific purpose. Here are some essential elements you should consider:

Header: This is the first thing your visitors see. It should include your logo and a navigation menu.

Main Content: This is where you provide the information your visitor is looking for. The main content will vary depending on the page but may include text, images, videos, or forms.

Call to Action (CTA): Direct your users to the action you want them to take, like signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or getting in touch.

Footer: This usually contains contact information, links to important pages, social media icons, and sometimes a secondary navigation menu.

Best Practices in Website Design

Good website design goes beyond aesthetics. Here are some best practices to consider:

Simplicity: Keep your design simple and clean. Don't overwhelm your visitors with too many elements or an overly complex layout.

Readability: Use a clear, readable font and ensure there's a good contrast between the text and background.

Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your website looks good and works well on all devices.

Easy Navigation: Make it easy for your visitors to find what they're looking for. Include a clear navigation menu, and consider a search bar for larger sites.

Consistency: Keep your design consistent across all pages. This includes using a consistent colour scheme, fonts, and layout.

Fast Loading Times: Optimise your images and videos, and avoid unnecessary plugins or scripts that can slow down your site.

Accessibility: Your website should be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. This could include providing alt text for images and ensuring your site can be navigated using a keyboard.

Website design is a broad topic, but this overview should provide you with a strong foundation. Remember, the goal is to create a website that not only looks good but is also user-friendly and accessible. As always, if you need assistance or advice on website design, don't hesitate to contact us at ThinkStory.

Writing Compelling Content and Building a Strong Brand Message

Once you've nailed down the design of your website, the next crucial aspect is the content. Your website content serves multiple purposes: it conveys your brand message, engages your audience, and can help improve your search engine rankings. Let's explore how to write compelling content and build a strong brand message.

Crafting Compelling Content

Great content goes beyond simply providing information; it engages the reader, provides value, and encourages them to take action. Here's how you can create compelling content for your website:

Know Your Audience: Understand who your content is for. What are their needs? What problems are they trying to solve? Use this information to create content that speaks directly to them.

Create Quality Content: Make sure your content is well-written, well-researched, and provides value to the reader. Aim for clarity and conciseness, and break up text with headings and subheadings to make it easy to read.

Use a Conversational Tone: Unless you're in a formal industry, a conversational tone can make your content more engaging and relatable.

Include Calls to Action (CTAs): Encourage your readers to take the next step by including clear CTAs. This could be anything from 'Contact Us' to 'Buy Now' or 'Sign Up'.

Building a Strong Brand Message

Your brand message communicates who you are, what you do, and what makes you different. It should resonate with your target audience and be consistently communicated throughout your website. Here's how to create a strong brand message:

Define Your Brand: What are your values? What's your mission? What makes you unique? Defining your brand forms the basis of your brand message.

Know Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes you different from your competitors? Why should customers choose you over them? This should be a key part of your brand message.

Speak Your Customers' Language: Your brand message should resonate with your customers. Use language they understand and address their needs and desires.

Consistency: Your brand message should be consistent across all your content and all platforms. This includes your website, social media, and any other marketing materials.

A screenshot of our approach to our messaging, brainstormed on Figma.

Developing Transparency and Trust

Transparency can help build trust with your audience, making them more likely to engage with you and choose your products or services. Here are some ways to develop transparency:

Use Authentic Images: Show real photos of your products, your team, or your customers. Avoid using generic stock photos where possible.

Share Your Story: Sharing the story behind your brand can help make you more relatable and trustworthy. This could be on an 'About Us' page, or sprinkled throughout your content.

Provide Clear Contact Information: Make it easy for people to get in touch with you. This could include a 'Contact Us' page, social media icons, and including contact information in your website footer.

Display Reviews and Testimonials: Showcasing reviews and testimonials can provide social proof, helping to build trust with your audience.

Creating compelling content, a strong brand message, and developing transparency are all crucial elements of a successful website. They not only make your website more engaging but can also help you connect with your audience and build trust.

This is our team page layout on our site. You can see all the people that make up the ThinkStory community, and when you hover over a person, their image turns from black and white to colour.

DNS Hosting

As we delve further into the technical side of building a website, one term you'll encounter is DNS Hosting. While it may sound technical, we'll break it down in a way that anyone can understand. After all, understanding DNS Hosting is essential for making your website accessible to your audience.

What is DNS Hosting?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It's essentially the phonebook of the internet. When users type in a web address, also known as a domain name, like, the DNS translates that into the corresponding IP address where the website is hosted. Without DNS, we would have to remember and type in the numerical IP addresses to visit websites, which isn't very user-friendly.

A DNS host or DNS hosting provider maintains the DNS server and handles the task of translating domain names into IP addresses.

How Does DNS Hosting Work?

When you register a domain name for your website, that domain name needs to be connected to your web hosting server where your website files are stored. This is done using DNS.

Here's a simplified step-by-step of how it works:

  1. A user types your domain name into their web browser.
  2. Their ISP (Internet Service Provider) sends a query to the DNS server that hosts your domain's DNS records.
  3. The DNS server returns the IP address associated with your domain name.
  4. The user's browser connects to that IP address, which leads to your web hosting server.
  5. Your web hosting server sends back the files of your website, and the user's browser displays the website.

Choosing a DNS Hosting Provider

Often, when you purchase a domain name, the domain registrar (the company you buy the domain from) will offer DNS hosting services. You can choose to use their services, or you might prefer to use a third-party DNS hosting provider.

When choosing a DNS hosting provider, you should consider factors like reliability, speed, support, security, and the ability to handle high traffic loads. Popular DNS hosting providers include Cloudflare, Google DNS, and Amazon Route 53.

In conclusion, DNS hosting is a critical component in the process of getting your website online and accessible to users. It links your user-friendly domain name to your website's actual location on the web, ensuring that your audience can find your site when they need to. While it might seem technical, most of the process is handled by your DNS hosting provider, making it a seamless part of the journey to launching your own website.


As we continue our journey towards building and launching your website, another tool you may wish to explore is Cloudflare. This platform offers a range of services designed to improve your website's performance and security. In this section, we'll take a closer look at Cloudflare and how you can implement it for your own website.

Cloudflare is used and trusted around the world. We use it for our website and for many clients, and would highly recommend it!

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is a US company that provides a content delivery network (CDN), DNS, DDoS protection, and security services to enhance the performance and security of millions of websites worldwide. Essentially, it acts as a middleman between your website and the user, providing a faster and safer internet experience.

Benefits of Using Cloudflare

Performance Enhancement: Cloudflare's CDN stores a cached version of your website on servers around the world. When a user requests your website, it's delivered from the server closest to them, improving loading speed.

Security: Cloudflare protects your website from threats like DDoS attacks, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting. It also provides a free SSL certificate to encrypt data between your website and its users.

Reliability: By routing web traffic through its intelligent global network, Cloudflare can manage heavy traffic and prevent service disruptions.

How to Implement Cloudflare for Your Website

To start using Cloudflare, you'll first need to create an account on the Cloudflare website. Once that's done, here are the general steps to implement it:

Step 1: Add your website to Cloudflare. You'll be asked to enter your website's domain name.

Step 2: Cloudflare will scan your domain's DNS records. This process can take about 60 seconds. Once the scan is complete, click on "Continue Setup."

Step 3: Review the DNS records and make sure they're correct.

Step 4: Select a Cloudflare plan. They offer a free plan that includes the basic features, along with several paid plans offering additional features.

Step 5: You'll be given two Cloudflare nameservers. You need to replace your domain's existing nameservers (which are located at your domain registrar) with these.

Step 6: Once you've updated your nameservers, go back to Cloudflare and click on "Done, check nameservers."

Cloudflare will now begin routing traffic through its network as soon as it detects that your nameservers have been correctly configured. This could take anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours.

In conclusion, Cloudflare offers a multitude of benefits that can improve your website's performance and security. While implementing it may require a bit of technical knowledge, the process is quite straightforward, and the potential advantages make it a worthwhile consideration in your website-building journey.

Launching the Site

Congratulations! You've made it through the main steps of building your website. Now comes the exciting part: launching your site. But before you go live, there are several things to check to ensure a smooth launch. Let's take a look at this process in detail.

Finally, you've gotten to the point where you're ready to launch! Well done - it's been a long process.

Pre-Launch Checklist

Before you launch, you should thoroughly review your website. Here are some of the most important things to check:

Content: Review all your text, images, and multimedia. Make sure everything is formatted correctly, there are no spelling or grammar mistakes, and all images and videos load correctly.

Functionality: Test all the features of your website. This includes contact forms, comment sections, social media buttons, navigation menus, and any other interactive elements.

Links: Check all internal and external links to ensure they are working correctly and lead to the right destinations.

SEO: Make sure you have optimised your website for search engines. This involves things like adding meta tags, creating a sitemap, and using appropriate keywords in your content.

Mobile Responsiveness: Test your website on multiple devices to make sure it looks good and functions properly on all screen sizes.

Performance: Use online tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to check your site's loading speed. Slow-loading websites can drive users away, so it's important to ensure your site is quick to load.

Going Live

Once you've ticked everything off your pre-launch checklist, it's time to go live. How you do this will depend on the website builder or CMS you've chosen. However, the general process usually involves clicking a "Publish" or "Go Live" button within your platform's dashboard.


After your site goes live, the work doesn't stop. It's important to monitor your website closely for any issues and to keep an eye on website analytics to understand how users are interacting with your site.

You should also make sure you regularly update your website, both in terms of content and technology. Adding new content regularly can help improve your search engine rankings and keep users engaged, while updating the technology (like your CMS or plugins) can ensure your site stays secure and works efficiently.

In conclusion, launching a website is a thrilling milestone in your website-building journey. It's the moment when all your hard work becomes accessible to the world. While the process can seem daunting, a thorough pre-launch check and a clear understanding of the steps involved can help ensure a successful launch. With your website now live, you can focus on maintaining and improving it to provide a fantastic user experience.

Website Maintenance

Now that your website is live, you might think the hard work is over. However, building a website is just the beginning. To ensure your site remains functional, secure, and relevant, you need to perform regular website maintenance. This ongoing process is as crucial as the initial build. In this section, we'll look at the importance of maintenance and offer some tips on how to keep your website in top condition.

Importance of Website Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to the long-term success of your website. Here's why it's so vital:

Security: Websites are constantly under threat from hackers and cyber-attacks. Regularly updating your website's software, plugins, and themes can help keep your site secure.

Performance: Over time, websites can slow down due to outdated code or bloated databases. Regular maintenance helps keep your website running quickly and smoothly.

User Experience: Regular updates and improvements can enhance the user experience, making your site more enjoyable and easier to navigate.

SEO: Regularly adding fresh content can help improve your website's search engine rankings, making it easier for people to find your site.

Remember, just as the internet is ever evolving and updating, so must you. Your website needs to be managed and maintained and updated when necessary.

Essential Maintenance Tasks

Here are some of the key tasks involved in maintaining a website:

Content Updates: Keeping your website content up-to-date is essential. This could involve adding new blog posts, updating your product range, or refreshing your homepage content.

Software Updates: Regularly update your website platform, plugins, and themes to their latest versions. This can help improve site performance and security.

Backups: Regularly back up your website. This means you'll have a recent copy of your site if anything goes wrong.

Monitor Website Speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to regularly check your site's speed. If it's slowing down, you may need to optimise images, remove unnecessary plugins, or make other adjustments.

Security Checks: Regularly check your website for potential security issues. This could involve scanning for malware or checking for suspicious activity in your site logs.

In conclusion, maintaining your website is an ongoing task that should not be overlooked. By keeping your site updated and regularly checking for potential issues, you can ensure your site remains secure, performs well, and continues to provide an excellent user experience. While it may require a time investment, the importance of maintaining your site cannot be overstated in ensuring the long-term success of your online presence.


Building a website might initially seem like a daunting task, but we hope that this guide has demystified the process, breaking it down into manageable steps that can be tackled one at a time. From understanding the benefits of creating your own website to formulating a clear website strategy, you've learned the initial steps that lay the groundwork for a successful site. You've explored the different types of websites and the array of website builder options available, discovering the potential of CMS sites and the necessity of DNS Hosting.

We've delved into the world of Cloudflare, highlighting its benefits for your website's performance and security. And we've walked you through the thrilling process of launching your site, from pre-launch checks to the moment of going live. And finally, we've emphasised the importance of regular website maintenance to ensure your site remains in top shape, providing an optimal user experience.

As crucial as this knowledge is, the most essential aspect of this process is you, the website creator. It's your vision and determination that will bring your website to life, creating a unique digital presence that reflects your personal or business identity. Remember, every website, no matter how large or small, started with someone taking that first step. Building a website is indeed a journey, and like any journey, there might be moments of struggle.

If you find yourself needing a helping hand along the way, please remember we are here to assist you. At ThinkStory, we're more than happy to provide support and guidance as you navigate your website-building journey. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you need help.

With all the knowledge you've gained from this guide, you're now ready to embark on your own website-building adventure. So go forth and start building. Your digital presence awaits!

Written by
Matt Masson
Matt Masson is a seasoned business director with over 12 years of experience in the creative industry. He has a strong background in marketing and media production, and is passionate about crafting compelling stories that resonate with audiences. Matt is particularly interested in customer experience and enjoys connecting with people. He is always eager to learn and grow both personally and professionally.