A fresh start.

Sustainable skincare for all.

Eliqsur develops sustainable, quality skincare with a focus on transparency. We came on board to assist with a full scale renaming and rebranding of the business to better align it with the company’s vision.

As well as working with eliqsur on their branding, we designed product packaging and produced product imagery, as well as creative social media content to promote the brand.

Brand Identity Design

When we came onboard, we assisted with their re-naming and brand development of eliqsur. They were in need of a well-designed, aesthetically pleasing brand identity that reflected their values as a skincare brand.

This included developing and creating a cohesive brand identity, including a colour palette, typeface, and the overall look and feel of their brand. With this refreshed branding, we were able to produce slide decks, distributor documents, and promotional visual material for eliqsur.

Brand Ideation

We worked closely with eliqsur to perfect the creative aesthetic of the brand. Having a clear brand identity to work with in terms of their website, their social media presence and all their marketing was essential.

Our ideation process included figuring out how the products would be advertised, and how this impacted the style and feel of the images we needed to produce for the website and social media pages.

Packaging Design

Using the brand identity guidelines that we created, our team worked on the packaging design of eliqsur’s 6 initial launch products, as well as on the design for their Charcoal Mask.

This included external revisions to finalise the copy for the products’ ingredients and directions as well as the placement of specific skincare logos. We adhered to the the strict local and international product regulations, which dictate copy sizing, and information on the product.

We also designed mockups of the products for the client and to be used on social media, as part of the pre-launch marketing strategy.

Brand Messaging

We strongly believe that a strong story is one of the most important elements of brand identity. People connect to each other through stories. The story eliqsur was trying to share with their customers was about how using eliqsur products would elevate one's life, one's skin, and the planet. We helped guide this process and get into the vision and purpose so that the way their engaged with their audience was effective.

Media Production

Once the product designs had been finalised and printed, we worked on multiple shoots to create beautiful, intentional product photography and video content that would be used on social media and on eliqsur’s website.

We produced stills and video content of the products alone, to be used on the e-Commerce website. We also worked with models, who used the products, to create content that could be used for advertising the products online.

E-commerce Website Development

We provided eliqsur with a full scale website design and build with 13 SKUs. We developed the site with full e-commerce integrations using PayFast and Courier Guy. This payment system was designed specifically to make purchasing products very accessible for the consumer.  

In line with eliqsur’s brand identity, we designed a clean and simple website for complete ease-of-use. The simplicity of the design aligned with the visual elements we had created, and created cohesion between the e-commerce site and the social media channels.

Presentation Design

Because eliqsur was an up-and-coming skincare brand, the products needed to be pitched to local and international distributors. We designed pitch documents that shared with distributors and retailers the vision of eliqsur. These pitch documents outlined eliqsur’s brand identity, product range, ingredients and formulations, all within a cohesive design.

We also produced a brand portfolio that was shared with influencers as a part of the influencer marketing strategy. This portfolio included information about the brand, its values and vision, as well as showcasing the products. The goal was to make sure that eliqsur was always putting its best foot forward.

Digital Strategy

eliqsur’s digital strategy included establishing and building a digital presence. We assisted them in securing usernames and curated their  digital presence across all major social media channels.

This included engaging with the skincare community and raising brand awareness before the products were officially launched. Establishing themselves online allowed eliqsur to approach influencers and new clients and increased the likelihood of sales upon launch.

Quality branding for a quality product.